Sunday, 21 February 2010

If we ever meet again

Ever since my first year at university when a close friend gave me the nickname Pocahontas ive had an obsession with red indians - feathers, dream catchers, tassles etc, hence the holding photo for my blog. On looking for all my red indian pieces I found my favourite perfumes by Narcisco Rodriguez. Its funny how a smell or fragrance can bring back a hundred memories in a second.
Lit some candles, burnt some incense and streamed for updates on the AW10 NY and London fashion shows so far. Favourite shows to be posted shortly.

Talking of red indians and happy memories, this photo was taken a year or two ago, when I admit that I reached for the bleach and was a strawberry blonde. Ive been toying with the idea of going back to lighter roots with summer on the way, but wondering if some things are best left in the past? As of yet im not convinced blonde is the way forward, but knowing how quickly I get bored of the same look, a revamp is surely on the horizon. Ill keep you posted..

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Kiyomi Style

Kiyomi Style
from the girl with flowers in her hair
