The afternoon saw an old favourite tartan oversize blanket scarf and hooded jersey pea coat that makes me look like little navy riding hood keep me warm. Went searching for a birthday present in Spitalfields and came across the most beautiful flower stall, adorned with aged antique pink and vintage ivory roses, it looked like a scene misplaced from a fairytale.
In between frozen yoghurts and discovering I was a day late for the antique market I had wanted to visit to find some vintage chopsticks (turns out they are harder to find than you think) I picked up a pair of intelligent glasses. I know I am a few seasons late in jumping on this bandwagon, but to be honest, I hate wearing anything in the height of its popularity. I prefer to wear something either before it has become main stream, or much later on when the hype has died down. That way you run a lesser risk of bumping into someone wearing the same thing as you! Anyway, back to the glasses , its funny how fashion has the inexplicable knack to reinvent. How an industry could take an item once the source of playground ridicule and turn it into a must have accessory (albeit a couple of seasons ago) worn by men and women alike never ceases to astonish me. Bring on the four eyed boffin.

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