Thursday, 10 June 2010

Shadows whisper sounds of nothing

This blog pretty much sums up the erratic nature of the British Summer. One minute you're in a sleeveless dress and bare legs, the next you're bundled up like it's the middle of winter. Keeps us on our toes I guess. I find wearing your entire wardrobe works best, that way you can add or abstract pieces as and when needed throughout the day ;-) The leather leggings remind me of when my friend used to call me aubergine thighs - because that's pretty much exactly what they look like in leather leggings. I doubt they would taste as good in a moussaka though.
Due to heavy showers, I spent my lunch hour hidden away in the creepiest Pret i've ever come across rather than sitting in the sunshine. Partly due to taking lunch at 3.30pm when all normal people are back at work, I had the enirety of the dimly lit basement to myself, leaving me to read a back issue of Vogue and enjoy my tub (yes all 500g worth) of soya yoghurt in peace. I seem to have developed an addiction to soya - yoghurt, milk, cheese, tofu, edemame beans, the lot.

I also managed to swap my All Saints ring for a new one after it broke at a bbq - I am now only allowed to wear it on 'special' occasions. Despite its tough exterior, it's actually very delicate. Proof that looks can be deceptive.

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Kiyomi Style

Kiyomi Style
from the girl with flowers in her hair
