As previously mentioned, slogan vests and tees are my nemesis. I adore them, but they seem almost impossible to find of the right cut. I've had to wear an elasticated belt to tuck the lengths of excess vest into for this look. Stuck to off whites, stone and dove grey with nails of cement. After having a weekend of issues, my father took me for a long drive. There's nothing like riding shotgun alongside your dad with windows wound down, blasting soundtracks that remind you of your childhood and watching the sun set to put everything back into persective.
Tuesday, 31 August 2010
Tuesday, 24 August 2010
The sentiment of coloured mirrored ornaments
Have simplified accessories down to the bare minimum, diluting necklaces to the plainest in the collection, and bracelets cut down to a single bangle. No rings today.
Clothing has also been simplified to loose layers, hues limited to black, white and varying tones of the mink spectrum.
Barry M's mushroom polish, Zara tassled wedged hooves, and leather leggings. Personally I think it's always necessary to wear taupe with white, in order to lift the palette and keep it from looking drab.
Sometimes simplicity is best. Perhaps a current reflection of a much needed feng shui of the mind and soul at present.
Sunday, 22 August 2010
Almost never
You go through phases of falling in and out of love with pieces in your wardrobe. Its like dipping into a jumble sale every time, I dont know half the items that are actually in there.. Rings are my new obsession. The bag was found in a charity shop for £3 a couple of years ago. Its originally from Clarks. And there was me thinking my purchases from there stopped after my feet became too big to be measured on that robotic ridiculously oversized mechanism. For a classic mini satchel type solution, it makes a nice change from carrying a mary poppins endless bottom sized bag, its perfect for bank card, keys and hoola. Oh and the camera of course.
The feather attachment is actually an earring that looks better on clothing than hanging from my ears.
Thursday, 19 August 2010
Unpredictable weather means you can either veer on the side of caution, covering all the bits that summer usually allows you to expose, or you can gamble and wear the bare limbs and the non waterproof pumps. British weather means its fair play to gamble, but you might aswell accept that if it looks like its going to rain, it will. Have ruined too many of my favourite ballet shoes that way, including a pair of chain mail flats that were amazing, but got wrecked as a result of foolish optimism. To be fair, we were in Barcelona, so the idea of rain at the time was to be considered absurd.
Instead, the mental insitution boots went on, still attracting unwanted attention. How something so unconvential can generate such a response is beyond me.
The feather addition is actually an earring pinned to the cami, that felt it necessary to poke me everytime I sat down/laughed/slouched. Acts as a good posture improver though.
1. Frozen yoghurt lunch mid 'black chipped nailpolish rescue' manicure. 2 clashing prints thrown together. 3. broken in wedges on the train home the morning after the night before. 4. Want, but will ever own? Status unknown.
Tuesday, 17 August 2010
August, a ridiculous time of year for torrential rain, considering it is supposed to be the height of summer. Eventually it cleared, leaving the sky looking like it was on fire.
By night fall, ventured to Hoxton for a friend's birhday. With all of it's artisic injections into every aspect of decor, this one offered graffitied cubicles which would make for awesome back drops to photos. Taking a second to recover from a dance induced stitch, I managed to take a couple of shots whilst powdering my nose in the little girl's room.
Monday, 9 August 2010
Some kind of unknowing fool
Following on from feather talk, pictured is one of the dream catchers from Barcelona. I miss Barcelona, the beach, the culture, the laid back attitude and the beautiful sunkissed people. I spent a lot of time there a couple of years ago and it has been a while since I returned. Even if it's just for a few days to rekindle my romance with the city. My friend recently bought another bar to add to his collection out there so hopefully I can make it out before summer is up.
Clutching the latest issue of Vogue, Kate Moss makes her 30th appearance on the front cover. And boy has she still got it.
Sunday, 8 August 2010
Your visits are getting shorter
Not one of my favourite outfits, but for something to throw on when the weather forecast says 100% chance of rain, my granny cardi is still one of my favourite reach fors. First time ive worn leather look leggings in about two months. Had got accustomed to wearing bare legs this summer, which is unusual considering how erratic london's summer's usually are. I also realised I have barely worn any of my summer floral dresses like usual, all are still held hostage in the garage at my parents' house. I need to make time to actually dig them out, otherwise i'll be back in opaques before I know it. I love the liberating feeling of wearing bare legs in the summer, so best to make the most of it whilst we can.
Catching dreams
Went to a beautiful bar where the walls were covered in huge vintage mirrors and the lights hanging from ceiling were adorned with feathers. Theres something about feathrs that add a dreamlike element to anything and everything. Headdresses, jewellery, clothing, accessories. I always think feathers evoke feelings of freedom, perhaps its the link to birds in flight and the sky. I dont know. Possibly one of the best souvenirs I ever bought were the dream catchers I bought from a market stall in Barcelona 4 or 5 years ago. Rather than hanging them above my bed, I pin them to clothing to add that native americana influence I so often speak of. They're also a good talking point. A Boots pharmasist once asked if I was from The Never Ending Story (?!) The only problem is trying to keep feathers pristine. Im going to have to invest in some more as the ones I curently have seem to be falling apart. I still have yet to wear a feathered headdress a la Erin Wasson, but the summer is far from over, there are plenty more dressing up oppertunities.
Thursday, 5 August 2010
One of you has to fall
Stig (of the dump), street urchin, gypsy child, and Medusa. All nicknames I've adopted over the years borne out of bed hair, frayed hemlines, grubby make up hands and tendancy to wear bare feet outside. I would love to have inherited Medusa for my ability to turn men to stone, but alas it originated in the playground, when my 8yo frizzy hair had yet to discover GHDs and greek mythology was clearly current curriculum material. Snakes/frizzy hair....
Obviously there is a time and place to be the polar opposite to the glossy Gossip Girl type. I used to temp in the city, and being a newbie to the office environment, went to my recruitment agency interview wearing my idea of city attire..Although my cv was up to scratch, the agency from then on would always warn me prior to any office work they secured, 'please dress boring, and big hair is not allowed emma.' Four years after no contact I called up for some last minute work and to see if they remembered me. 'Oh yes, the trendy (bless that word) dancer who hated wearing a suit.' Thank god I didnt end up in banking where my parents wanted me to be.
Tuesday, 3 August 2010
Might be holding your hand, but im holding it loose
Im sure there is such a thing as too much fringing and tassles, and Im not sure if wearing both fringed shoes and bag crosses that line, or lies just within the border of overkill, but I did it anyway. They definitely add texrture to a look, taking it from ordinary to unusual. These Zara shoes - as with many pieces I own, are an acquired taste. True, they can look like Im wearing a little pair of hooved animals, but they are the most comfortable 5 inch heels I own, with a generous platform sole that enables you to run up escalators without feeling a thing.
Monday, 2 August 2010
Can't you see the grass is greener where it rains
Take one size 18 cardigan bought for its sequin embellishment, one faded cropped denim jacket, bought three years ago and never worn. Team with a top made for bedtime and standard body con skirt and youve got the above. Without the scarf, the faded effect of all the colours would have made this a complete wash out. Somehow the scarf's tans and turquoise bring everything together.
Ever since I was a little girl my dad would insist on turning up the collar of any jacket I wore so I looked like Kinicki from Grease. Some things stay with you and to this day I cant wear a collared jacket/shirt with the collar down.
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Kiyomi Style

from the girl with flowers in her hair
Blog Archive
- I cant let you be, because your beauty wont allow it
- The sentiment of coloured mirrored ornaments
- Almost never
- Disturbia
- Anonymity
- Deconstruct
- Some kind of unknowing fool
- Your visits are getting shorter
- Catching dreams
- One of you has to fall
- Might be holding your hand, but im holding it loose
- Can't you see the grass is greener where it rains