Kate Moss, Mary Kate Olsen and Devon Aoki; style that looks like it couldn't give a damn
A friend once blessed me with the endearing title
'The Messy Perfectionist,' and to this day I have never come across a more fitting self description.
For someone who, on the whole, takes longer than seven minutes to get ready, the end result may not always look shiny and new - with every hair poker straight and items of clothing ironed to within an inch of their life. This is much to my mother's dismay; and in her opinion, the reasoning behind why I have not had a boyfriend for a little while... I know I can count on one hand the number of times I have ever used an iron - one of which includes ironing a blouse for graduation; but quite frankly, if a guy is more interested in how many creases there are in my leather jacket and the fact that I prefer to model my hair on Worsel Gummage as opposed to Jennifer Aniston's barnet - he's perhaps not the Prince Charming I was after.
'Haphazard' could have been my middle name, had my parents not chosen the slightly more feminine 'Kiyomi' (my mother is Japanese, and although she doesnt know it yet, the brains behind the title for this blog) they could have been onto a winner.
I would describe my style as playfully thrown together, fused with touches of pretty and an injection of something you can't quite put your finger on. Perhaps that's where the 'Messy Perfectionist' comes into it - curiosity from passers by posing the question - did she walk through a hedge backwards to leave the house, or was that look created on purpose? I personally like to keep people on their toes, so who knows, maybe some days I do pretend to be Alice in Wonderland and fall through the rabbit hole to get my look for the day. Or maybe, just maybe, I spent hours perfecting the 'Helena Bonham Carter' look, so that every hair was strategically out of place, hemlines substantially frayed and tights sufficiently holed, just how I wanted them to be ;)